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What is 3D-4D ultrasoundBébévizion offers you the latest generation of 3D-4D technology available. This allows you to get realistic and detailed pictures of your baby even before it’s birth! It is the same basic technology as in the hospital (2D black and white) used in a different but revolutionary way. The device's probe has a small motor that allows the 2D to rotate to scan a desired area. The 2D information is then rapidly transformed into 3D imagery, which gives an accurate rendering of your baby’s features! When conditions allow, we use the same principle in 4D mode. At this point, the probe repeats the motorized scan continuously to produce a clip of the baby in movement. On the other hand, 3D images are always more precise since the analysis of 2D information is more exhaustive. Whether we use 3D or 4D imaging, our goal is to offer you the most detailed images of your baby according to the mother's pregnancy conditions.
What determines the quality and clarity of my baby's images?Many factors determine the quality of the images. We use state-of-the-art technology and our technician specializing in 3D-4D ultrasound imaging has accumulated close to 10 years of expertise in the field. However, there are several parameters beyond our control which will determine the clarity and quality of the images. Usually, the ultrasound gives excellent images of the baby, but not always. The period in which the 3D-4D ultrasound is performed, the general conditions of the mother, the position of the baby, the amount of amniotic fluid, the position of the placenta, the hands or the cord near the face are all factors that can influence the results. In some cases, it happens that it is the baby who is not participating well and not the pregnancy conditions. In this event, we will offer you a second session at no additional cost. Rest assured that you will get the best images possible of your baby with your conditions when you come to Bébévizion. Note that no refund is possible.
Why do we get better 3D-4D images between 29-34 weeks pregnant?Before 29 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is more frequently positioned in the "breech" position which means that the baby's head is not down yet. This reduces the possibility of producing clear images since the legs and umbilical cord end up in front of the baby's face. In addition, generally, the amount of amniotic fluid is at its maximum after the 29th week of pregnancy and this is essential for obtaining good visibility. Before 29 weeks of pregnancy, the family traits are a little less noticeable which gives more generic images. Some competitors will offer you 3D-4D ultrasounds any time throughout your pregnancy but be aware that you will not get the quality that our clinic can offer you. Our specialist technician has close to 10 years of expertise and uses his knowledge to help you live the experience to its full potential!
Are there any risks for the mother or the child?The 3D ultrasound and the 4D ultrasound are performed in the same way as a 2D ultrasound at the doctor's office: The mother's belly is coated with gel and then a probe is passed over it. The ultrasound is the same as a 2D ultrasound, only the scanning method changes, allowing baby to be seen in three dimensions. Thanks to a motorized 3D probe coupled with an image reconstruction system, it is the baby's exterior, his appearance that you will be able to visualize. According to Health Canada; “The clinical use of fetal ultrasound has evolved rapidly and demonstrates an excellent safety record. Millions of tests have been performed over the past decades and there have been no confirmed cases of health risks to the baby or the mother. This finding is consistent with the majority of scientific studies that have been conducted on the effects of ultrasound. " In complicated pregnancies, some women can have ultrasound scans every week with their doctors without any problems, either for the mother or the child. Before starting your session, you will have all the necessary explanations on the images that will be shown to you in order to fully enjoy this magnificent moment. When you come to Bébévizion or a 3D-4D scan, you have already had your morphological ultrasound with your gynecologist, so there is no risk of discovering a malformation on the child.
Can I find out the gender of my baby?Yes, at your request, we can determine your babys gender as of 17 weeks of pregnancy or more. Our specialist technician has close to 10 years experience, and is able to identify the gender of your baby with a 100% certainty. If baby does not cooperate even with all of our efforts, we will give you a second session at a later date free of charge.
Do I need to make an appointment?Yes, we operate by appointment only. You can contact us during our hours of operation by phone at 450-515-6888, by email:, via messenger on our Facebook and Instagram pages. We will agree on a date and time according to your availability. Our clinic is also open on Saturdays. However, as the time slots are very popular, we invite you to make an appointment several weeks in advance.
Do I need a doctor's prescription?No, since this is a non-medical, non-diagnostic ultrasound service, you simply need to make an appointement in the ideal times to obtain the best images.
How should I prepare before my session?You can eat and drink normally before your 3D-4D ultrasound session. We suggest that you empty your bladder before the appointment. You will be a lot more comfortable and we will be able to take better images. An empty bladder means more room for baby and more clearance for the best images possible. It is strongly suggested that you do not wear a dress for your session, in order to avoid using blankets. Keep in mind that your belly needs to be accessible. Please remove bellybutton piercings. We also ask that you arrive 5 to10 minutes before the scheduled time of your appointment.
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